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People standing around at a networking meeting, talking and getting to know each other

Welcome to the Jewish Business Network

“Let the good in me connect with the good in others” – Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

A Community Created For Us, By Us

JBN was founded to provide a space where we, as Jewish business owners and professionals, can proudly embrace our identities, free from the fear and caution that so many of us have felt since October 2023. Here we can be open about our Jewish identity, discuss the unique challenges our businesses face, and draw strength from shared experiences.


When we come together, we create a safe, empowering environment - one where we grow stronger as a community, especially in times when others may hope for the opposite.

Jewish Values, Jewish Success

Jewish people are natural networkers – we love finding out how we’re connected to each other and which friends, relatives or colleagues we share. That sense of connection runs deep: Just as we feel each other’s challenges, one Jew’s success can feel like every Jew’s success.


At JBN, we take genuine pride in seeing each other thrive. We don’t need rules about making referrals or helping each others’ businesses: that support happens naturally. Together we’re building a foundation for both personal and professional growth, in a business community grounded in Jewish values.

Two men with beards, sitting casually at a table talking to each other

Standing Strong, Flourishing Together

When you join JBN, you’re not simply entering a network - you’re becoming part of a movement. Together, we’re creating a powerful community that stands strong in the face of adversity and supports every member in their journey.


This is a network rooted in Jewish pride, resilience, and joy. Join us as we flourish and succeed, proudly and confidently.

"Draw from the past, live in the present, work for the future!" - Abraham Geiger

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